Highest Ranking of Satsatan in Sikat ang Pinoy

As I turned on the pc in the lab and tapping my fingers in the keyboard and typing the entry of the Satsatan Company in Sikat ang Pinoy, I checked the official rankings of the competitions. When I click the 2nd page of the Google SERP, I found our entry on the 2nd page with the rank as 12. I am really happy and I can't believe on the rankings today. It is our first time and the highest Rank that we had acquired. As I recall, we encountered the biggiest problem with our entry. As the time goes by, it is on the right way ahead and last week we already see the progress that we have the chance in winning Sikat ang Pinoy. Our rank in the Google SERP with our entry which is Satsatan is increasing day by day. In past 3 days, now, we are on the 2nd page which is one of my goal.

Right now, my target and goal is to be on the 1st page. Now, I am done with my experiments and I already concluded and formalized the right strategy and activity that I will be doing just to maintain the rank we have right now. This is the time, to focus on our entry and be serious. Be the number 1 on the Google SERP, that is our goal!