Up and Down on Sikat ang Pinoy

After our great success in Sikat ang Pinoy that we ranked as 9th placer in the Google SERP if you search the key phrase "sikat ang pinoy", the highest rank we achieve so far, now we are DOWN. Like our life, being a human, sometimes we on the top and sometimes we have to be on the bottom. That's what happens on our entry in Sikat ang Pinoy - Satsatan. We are now on the 5th place again. I looks like we are starting all over again with our current rank in the Google. I don't know and I can't figure out till now if what is the main reason why our entry are on the bottom. I noticed too that the last indexed of the google with Satsatan is Feb. 2 and it keeps bothering me all the time.

But I still hoping everything will change, with the activities that we made for our entry to be on the top of the Google SERP. We still have a time to cope up with them.