What is Plants vs Zombies

Do you play often games in your PC? Then maybe, you are tired playing Tumble Bugs, Freeding Frenzy or any games in your PC right? Well, this is a new game that you will surely enjoy or else play all day long. Have you heard Plants VS Zombies? YES it is, another strategy game!!!

A mob of zombies is about to invade your home, and your only defense is an arsenal of zombie-zapping plants. Think fast and plant faster to stop the zombies dead in their tracks. And with five game modes to dig into, the fun never dies! This game is really funny with MJ look alike Zombie with his back-up dancer. A plants that shoots and eat Zombies... Try this one guys and you will enjoy playing with this.

Well guys, Download it now and play in your PC. Advice guys, DONT LET ZOMBIES EAT YOUR BRAINS. What are you waiting for, Fight now with this ZOMBIES and PLAY Now but first you must Download Plant VS Zombies.